Asteroid Run

For ICS 111, I was put into a group with two other individuals, Caelan Barut and Marcus Buccat. We were tasked with creating a game based on all the Java content we learned throughout the semester.

Our game was named “Asteroid Run” and it required the user to navigate an asteroid belt with a spaceship all while collecting gold bars to increase your score, and staying alive to get the longest time survived. As the user would go for a longer period of time, the asteroids would get increasingly faster and more difficult to navigate.

My job within the group was to create the spaceship object and get the spaceship object to move using the ‘w’, ‘a’, ‘s’, and ‘d’keys. While it wasn’t hard to create the object, integrating it with the main function and the asteroid object was difficult, but we managed to work out the kinks and get it to work. This was the first time I was able to experience working in a team, and I learned that a team must function as one, and everyone within it must do their job to reach the final outcome.

Source code - Github