This app was designed with UH Manoa students in mind. My group and I figured that there needed to be an alternative to buy and sell items safely on UH Manoa campus, versus things like CraigsList or simply selling through social media. It was designed to have similar functionality to Craigslist, but the only catch is that all transactions needed to happen on campus, and users would have to be authenticated with UH Manoa email authentication to make sure that every user is legit. It is a simple website that contains functionality to buy and sell items, as well as have user profiles and a page to browse all the items that are listed on the site.
For this project, I contributed to creating the landing page, as well as implementing functionality to report items and users, as well as making sure that our project homepage was up to speed.
After a month of working on this project, it finally gave me a real taste as to how a real Software Engineering job would work. It gave me a taste of working with a team and making sure that everyone did their part to make sure the project is complete. I really saw how important it was to communicate with each other, as during some points in the creation of the app, my group members and I did futile work on different parts of the app that did not need to be done. Using the Github project board to manage duties for the project was a good idea in my opinion because issues would be assigned to each group member, and it would hold everyone accountable for their duties for the project. Overall, this was a great learning experience and I am proud to have been a part of creating this application.
Here is out project homepage - UHManoasList